How Do I Know when My AC Unit Needs Repair in Springfield, MO? House Not Cooling Down & More

Most people are not educated on their air conditioning. When something is going on with your AC that is causing problems, how can you tell if you need to repair it or not when you don’t know much about your AC? There are a few ways that you can tell that something is wrong and when something is wrong, you need to get an AC repair. Hynes Heating & Cooling explores this further below.

Strange Sounds from AC Unit

Air conditioners are fairly quiet, especially the new ones, you may not hear a sound out of them. If you are hearing sounds from your air conditioning such as popping, banging, clicking, hissing, or rattling these are all signs that you need to get an AC repair. Sometimes a popping sound can be coming from your vents. This just means your metal is expanding. This does not necessarily mean you need a repair, but adding insulation can help your duck work. Any sound that you are hearing from your AC you should call a professional to come and repair it. Sounds are not a good sign and if left unchecked, it could get worse.

House Not Cooling Down

The purpose of your AC is to cool down your home. When you feel warm air blowing out of your vent, you need to first check the thermostat. Make sure it is switched to cooling mode and it is set for a lower temperature than your home is. Check air filters. If they have not been changed within the last three months you need to do so. If that is not a problem, then there could be restrictions on the airflow or a compressor issue. You do not want to let this issue go too long. Make sure you call a professional to come and see why your air is not cooling down.

Bad Odors from Vents

If you are smelling a bad odor that is constantly in your house, it could be coming from your air conditioning. If you have not cleaned out your air ducts for a long time, then it can start to get a musty smell because there is so much dust and dirt in the air ducts. If you are smelling rotten eggs or a sulfur smell, it could be a gas leak. When you are smelling a bad smell that you think is coming from your AC then call a professional to come and check out your AC. Your AC may need repairs done.

AC Leaks

If there is a leak that goes unfixed it can start causing damage to your AC or anything that is around it. These leaks could be a clogged condensate drain, a damaged condensate drain, frozen evaporator coils, low refrigerant levels, a broken condensate pump, or even dirty air filters. All of these things, you can call a professional to come and check out your air conditioner and figure out why you are getting leaks.

Central Air Conditioning Repair, Replacement, Maintenance & More in Springfield, Missouri

If you notice that you have something going wrong with your AC, or it is just simply not working, call Hynes Heating & Cooling to come and take a look at your AC and figure out what is going on. We can repair your AC so it gets back to cooling down your house again.

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